Friday, January 30, 2015

Топ 10 под 10 лева / Top 10 under 10 BGN

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От няколко дни се каня да напиша българската версия на поста ми - Top 10 under £10. Не винаги един продукт е качествен, ако е скъп, както и не винаги е лош, ако е на съвсем достъпна цена. В България се продават много хубави продукти за под десет лева, които въобще не отстъпват на продукти от по-висок клас - в DM, Lilly и други такива дрогерии има някои доста качествени неща. В този пост съм включила не само козметика, а и разни продукти за тяло и грижа за кожата. 

Предполагам, че повечето от нещата са ви познати от разни бюти блогове, но все пак се надявам да намерите нещо полезно и ново в този пост :)

1. Сенки Wet'n'wild Color Icon - Brule -  4.90 лв

Започвам с тези сенки на Wet'n'Wild, защото са ми най-любимите бежови сенки на света. Точно копие на MAC Brule са като цвят, но на W'n'W са по-пигментирани и много по-евтини. Цветът е телесен и съвпада абсолютно с този на клепачите ми, така че го използвам, за да блендвам други цветове сенки по-лесно. Единственият цвят, който напълно съм изхабила от доста старата ми Color Icon Vanity палитра е, затова си го взех като самостоятелни сенки лятото. Обожавам го!

2. Сенки Maybelline 24 Color Tattoo - 9.90 лв

Тези сенки съм ги споменавала сто пъти поне, така че няма да ви отегчавам - само ще кажа, че за 9,90 са страхотна база. Като се сложат прахообразни/пресовани сенки отгоре гримът не мърда цял ден. 

3. Сенки Artdeco Matte Eyeshadow - 9.50 лв

През годините съм пробвала три-четири цвята, но в момента имам само матовите черни сенки. Доста са пигментирани, лесно се преливат и са съвсем достойна конкуренция на MAC Carbon. С нормална база си издържат цял ден, а ако се сложи нещо като черен молив или кремообразни черни сенки отдолу става много хубав и издържлив опушен грим.  

4. W'n'W Mega Glo Illuminating Powder - Catwalk Pink - 7.90 лв

Този хайлайтър го ползвах преди около четири години и много го харесвах. Бях си го взела, защото като цена е съвсем приличен и има рейтинг 4,1 от 5 в Самият продукт е разделен на четири "лентички" с различни нюанси. Най-лявата ползвах за хайлайтър, средните две за руж, а най-дясната за бронзър. Могат да се използват и като сенки всички цветове. 

5. Молив за устни NYX Slim Lip Pencil - 9.95 лв

Наскоро си взех #835 от този молив, което е доста ярко розово. Съчетава се много добре с червилото MAC Girl About Town. Мисля да постна тези дни една грим на деня (MOTD) публикация, за да ви го покажа. Моливът много ми допада и като ми дотрябва някой ден някакъв друг цвят ще си взема пак от тази серия на NYX. 

6. Двойна острила Essence - около 2 лв

Знам, че сигурно ви се струва смешно, че включвам острилка в списъка, но толкова време търсих двойна острилка, която да остри Jumbo моливи без проблем. Не чупи моливите, не се "задръства" и е съвсем достъпна като цена. 

7. Сапун Lush - Honey I Washed The Kids - 9.50 лв

Мирише божествено този сапун. На мед и сладко. Купувала съм го може би три-четири пъти последните три години, защото ароматът просто ме е пленил. Нищо по-отпускащо от това да си вземеш душ и после банята да мирише на мед и карамел. Обикновено не се вълнувам от продукти за тяло изобщо, много рядко харесвам нещо наистина, но този сапун е страхотен и си заслужава добрите ревюта онлайн. 

8. Маска с шоколад Montagne Jeunesse Hot Chocolate Self Heating Mask - около 2 лв

Напоследък не спя добре и кожата ми не е много здрава, въпреки че пия много вода и се храня сравнително добре. Затова прибягвам до маски за лице веднъж-два пъти седмично и спасяват положението за момента. Любима ми е тази затопляща се маска на Montagne Jeunesse с шоколад. След дълъг ден е просто прекрасно чувството да си почистиш кожата, да си пуснеш любим филм и да си постоиш с маската (която мирише страшно вкусно и винаги ми се прияжда сладко!!). Едно пакетче ми стига за два пъти. Видях в Lilly, че има още доста разновидности (с ягоди, с боровинки, с драковнов плод и т.н), така че ще пробвам тези дни още някоя. 

9. Ексфолиращ душ гел Yves Rocher Exfoliating Shower Gel Yellow Peach - 9.00 лв

Мирише божествено на праскови. Много свежо. Бях му хвърлила око доста отдавна, но все се отказвах, защото не ползвам нищо освен сапун по принцип. Когато го видях обаче в Мадрид около Нова Година намален на 3€ не можах да устоя. Знам, че доста месеци ще го полазвам, но си го взех не толкова заради самия продукт, а за да ми напомня на хубавата почивка. Като сувенир, хохо :))
10. Термална вода Avene 50мл - около 7 лв

Лятото Авен имаха промоция и си взех 2 шишенца по 50мл за около 8,50 лв. Имам много чувствителна кожа и тази термална вода я успокоява, ако е зачервена. Използвам си едното шишенце за мен, а другото ми е в гримьорския куфар и го използвам за тонер когато гримирам. 

Това беше моят топ 10 списък. Кои са вашите любими продукти под 10 лева? 
До следващия път ~

Monday, January 26, 2015

KIKO Pigments 02, 03, 04 Review, MOTD, Swatches

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Today's post is a review of some KIKO pigment loose eyeshadows I got last month. KIKO was having a sale so I also got two eyeshadows, which I'm going to review in future posts. I just checked and the sale is still on so do have a look at their website!

I'd never tried anything by KIKO before but I'd read so many positive reviews of their products that I definitely had to get some stuff to try out. Let's get started!

 I got three loose eyeshadows - 02 Starry Pink, 03 Fuchsia, 04 Lilac, as well as a mixing solution. 

Overall impressions so far: 
  • Each eyeshadow jar was €5,90, which is a good price considering you get 6g of eyeshadow. 
  • Gorgeous colours and texture! It was hard to resist and not buy more. 
  • I have used the eyeshadows several times already and found them long-lasting and easy to blend. 
  • I do have to use the mixing solution with them though. I need to apply them wet on my lids - otherwise they don't stick as well and don't look pigmented enough. I found eyeshadow pigmentation a problem so I had to really pack the colour on. 
Would I buy them again? Probably. The shadows are good quality - my main problem is that without the mixing solution they don't work that well. 

More pictures and swatches:

02 Starry Pink - a pale pink glittery shade, really really glittery

03 Fuchsia - looks too red in the jar, but quite pink when swatched

04 Lilac - my favourite out of the three jars, a very pale purple shade

02 Starry Pink, 03 Fuchsia, 04 Lilac

Make-up done with the KIKO pigments:

02 Starry Pink in the inner corner, 04 Lilac on the inner half of the lid, 03 Fuchsia on the outer half 
(MAC Cork in the crease, KIKO Infinity Infinity Eyeshadow 223 to highlight)

That's all for today. I hope you all have an awesome week! Till the next time ~

Thursday, January 22, 2015

NYX Butter Gloss Creme Brulee & Eclair + Swatches

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I recently put a "Coming Soon" section on the right so you probably already knew a short review of the NYX Butter Glosses was coming up. I'm going to share my experience with the NYX glosses I recently got with you :)

I went to the NYX counter in December to look for a NYX Matte Lip Cream shade (Transylvania) but the store didn't have it. Instead I picked up these two nude shades of the NYX Butter Glosses - Creme Brulee and Eclair. There was a huge variety of shades, but I wanted to try these two nude ones first before I get a darker, more dramatic shade. 

left - Creme Brulee, right - Eclair

I usually prefer lipsticks, but the texture of these glosses is very smooth and non-sticky. They don't settle into lines or fade in an ugly way with time. I also love love love the delicious smell of the glosses. To me the glosses taste like vanilla and cookies but I do realise not everyone will like that. 

I don't have any complaints about the packaging - it's quite sturdy and the glosses fit in my pocket. The applicator is really easy to use. The coverage is medium and they last about two-three hours on my lips. In these pictures I've applied the glosses on my bare lips and then lined them with a p2 lipliner. I didn't want to wear lipstick under the glosses, because I wanted you to see how pigmented they are. 

Creme Brulee 


I love these glosses. Big variety of shades, good pigmentation and buttery texture. My only complaint is that they aren't very long-lasting, but that's okay. So if you are looking for a nice affordable gloss - I recommend this this range. They are £5 on the NYX website, which, in my opinion, is good value for money. 

I also got some other stuff from NYX i'm going to write about soon - a Soft Matte Lip Cream (London), a pink lipliner and the Wonder Pencil. I hope this post was helpful ~

PS. I'm not affiliated with NYX or any other company. Everything here is my personal opinion.

Till the next time!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Winter favourites ~

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I haven't posted for about 10 days - I know, I'm the worst blogger ever. Buuut I'm back with a new post about my favourite things this winter! 

1. Dark red A5 journal
I got this beautiful leather journal from Paperchase last year. Gold edge paper. I use it to plan my blog posts, make random lists and jot down all my ridiculous ideas. It's a quite elegant notebook but my indecipherable handwriting ruins everything :D

2. Dior Hypnotic Poison 
I've had this perfume for many years. I always wear it in the winter, I find it too heavy for summer time. I don't know how to describe the scent - to me this is what mystery smells like. It's sweet but dangerous. Film noir. How can I not love the red bottle? The most beautiful poisonous apple. 

3. Artdeco x Dita Von Teese Lipliner #10 & Lip Lacquer #70
These two products are my red lip essentials this winter. The lipliner is very long lasting so I apply it all over my lips and then apply the liquid lipstick on top. I usually prefer a matte red lip but I love how these glossy Artdeco lip lacquers look ~

 I first bought #37 in 2013, then a friend gave me #70 as a present last September. I regret not buying more stuff from the Artdeco x Dita Von Teese collection because it's sold out everywhere.

4. OPI Skyfall Nail Polish
I'm not a big fan of nail polishes and I don't buy them very often but I always have a burgundy one in my collection. I got this OPI one in 2012 and I've almost finished it. It's not a secret I'm a big vintage fashion enthusiast - my nails (and lips) are always red! 

What are your favourite things this winter? I'm always curious so do tell me in the comments ~
Till the next time!
Which, by the way, should be very soon - I've planned a lot of posts for the rest of the month :))

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Make-up Wishlist 2015 ~

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If you’re anything like me and you spend a lot of time reading about make-up – you are bound to have quite a big wishlist for 2015. I read a lot of US blogs so most of the products in this post are sold in the US and I probably won’t be able to get them…but a girl can dream!
I managed to get my Wishlist down to top 10 products I’d like to purchase in 2015. I realised what I'd like to get most this year are some unusual shades of lip products ~

1.    NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream – Transylvania

The Transylvanya lip cream is a deep red, almost plum shade. This is the colour of my dreams! Very seductive and vamp. I wanted to get it last month but it was out of stock so I got an awesome brown nude shade (London) instead. I really like the texture of these lip creams - they are neither lipsticks, not lipglosses. More like like liquid lipsticks, very matte but a little drying. I’m going to visit the NYX counter soon and hopefully Transylvania will be in stock this time!

2.    Pretty Zombie Cosmetics – 3 Witches Liquid Lipstick - 12$

A very beWITCHing deep purple shade :D ! And it’s vegan too! The price of the lipstick itself isn’t that bad but the shipping to Europe is 10 USD…I guess I’ll jusy wait for a free shipping or a % off offer.

3.    Illamasqua Matte Veil Primer – 30 GBP

I first saw this product when I visited the Illamasqua store in London in June but didn’t buy it because of the price. Even with my make-up artist discount it was still 24 GBP. I really want to try it because I need a mattifying primer for my combination skin and there are some great reviews online…And let’s be honest – the packaging looks really dark and cool! I’ve never been disappointed by an Illamasqua product before so I’ll definitely get the primer this year.

4.    Limecrime Carousel Gloss - Candy Apple – 17$

This lipgloss is a deep ruby-red with glitter in it. It just reminds me of Christmas for some reason. The packaging is gorgeous, have you noticed the little unicorn on the top of the tube? I’ve never tried anything by Lime Crime so I’m very curious to try this gloss!

5.    Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow - Ebony

I got the shade Chocolate in October and have been using it every day since. I’m definitely going to get the shade Ebony, because Chocolate is a bit too light for me. This jar is the best eyebrow product I’ve ever used – a little bit goes a long way, really pigmented and easy to fill in your brows with.  I regret not trying Dipbrow earlier, it’s definitely worth the hype.

6.    Dose of Colors – Poise Lipstick – 16$

Yes, another lip product! I’ve been eyeing some Dose of Colors lipsticks, because I’ve been seeing them on Instagram a lot lately. This matte peachy nude shade (Poise) caught my attention when I saw in on Amrezy. I instantly fell in love with it but I’m not sure I can pull it off since I usually wear darker lipsticks.

7.    Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector - Opal (pressed)

I love highlighters! According to what I’ve read online, this one is similar to Estee Lauder’s Heatwave and MAC’s Whisper of Gilt. Both of which I’ve been trying to find for ages but they have been sold out for a long long time. I’ve never tried anything by Becca, so I’m quite tempted to give this a try one day!

8.    Sugarpill Sweetheart Eyeshadow Palette 

To be honest, I know I don’t “need” it, but I do want it. The selection of colours is great. This palette includes Dollipop (pink), Afterparty (blue), Midori (green) and Tako (white). I’ve read so many positive reviews of this palette and the packaging is so pink and cute.

9.    Melt cosmetics – Bane Lipstick

I’ve always wanted to get a matte black lipstick. Yes, it’s not very wearable in your every day life, but it does look cool!. You can use it to darken other lipsticks too. I wanted to get a cheap black lipstick by Essence but I couldn’t find it so…this one will do. Melt cosmetics offer some really interesting shades. I’m in love with DGAF (dark blue) and 6six6 (dark red). 

10. Urban Decay Naked 2 Basics Palette 

This palette looks very suitable for my everyday neutral eye make-up. There are six matte colours + a mirror. I've almost finished my favourite Wet'n'Wild palette, so I may get this one soon. 

What is on your wishlist this year, fellow make-up lovers? I'm curious to know ~
Till the next time!

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year Resolutions ~

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First post for 2015! I hope you all had an awesome New Year's Eve. I spent the evening with my family and had so much fun.  2014 was the best year for me and I loved it. I finished my Bachelor's degree, I did two make-up courses in London, I traveled, I saw some of my favourite bands live...And I'm looking forward to doing so so many things in 2015. Every year I make a list of things I'd like to do by the end of the year and never do more than 1/3 of the things...

Here is my New Year Resolutions list for 2015 ~

1. Love and spend time only with those who love me back - I don't want to overthink everything and waste my time and feelings on things which are not worth it. I want to spend time with people who bring out the best of me and inspire me, no negativity in 2015. 

2. Finish my theatrical & cinema make-up course - I started another make-up course in December. I really want to learn how to make masks and different types of wounds.  It's always been a dream of mine to do make-up on movie sets one day so I'm working towards this goal ^^

3. Start a new job in Jan if my second interview goes well - I just hope everything goes as planned so I can start soon because I can't wait! 

4. Eat healthy and be more active - I did eat healthy in 2014 too but I'll try to be even healthier this year. I really need to stop eating so much chocolate.

5. Start learning Japanese again - I studied Japanese for two years at university. Then I stopped and now I'd like to continue again. Such an interesting language!

6. Pass the German language C1 exam - I'm doing a German language course at the moment and I hope to reach level C1 before the summer and then pass the exam. 

7. Read a lot of books and do the Goodreads reading challenge - I did the challenge in 2014 too. Right now I have 95 books in my to-read list. I keep adding books to it but I hope I'll manage to get my list down to 50-60 books by the end of 2015. You can see what I'm currently reading here

8. Watch a lot of tv series and finish my IMDB list - I'm always watching something but my to-watch list keeps growing instead of getting smaller! So many new tv series come out every year...I just can't keep up! I'm watching Hannibal at the moment and Vikings and The Walking Dead are next.

9. Go to gigs. See London After Midnight & Blutengel - I've wanted to see these two bands since 2006 and I hope I'll finally see them live in 2015.

10. Get a driving license - I'm 22 and I still don't have my driving license. This needs to change this year! 

11. Volunteer on a regular basis - I volunteered a lot when I was at university but then stopped because of exams. I want to start volunteering again this year. Even if it's something seemingly insignificant - if it can make someone's life a little bit better then it's worth it ~

12. Post regularly on my blog - I'll try to post more often this year. I've already planned sooo many posts and tutorials and cool things. Wohoo!

13. Travel - I want to see as many places as possible this year. I'd love to visit Japan and Sweden one day, but this year I want to visit Greece or Romania ~ 

14. Take better care of my hair and grow it long - My hair is long already but not long enough! I want to grow it really really long, then cut it short and donate it so wigs for cancer patients can be made out of it. 

What are your New Year resolutions? What would you like to do this year? I'm curious so do tell me in the comments ~

Till the next time!

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